Age: 17
Gina's the self proclaimed president of the paranormal photography club. A club consisting on only two people. She has a passion for the abnormal, a bias for the weird, a love for the um... not normal stuff and she'll do everything in her power to seek them out. Even when it means committing a misdemeanor or two. She also likes fish... alot. ...
Interests: Fish, branding on cans, horror movies
Age: "Also 17"
Eddie's the guy who owns the camera and appointed vice-president of the paranormal photography club. A bit more on the skeptical side of things, he mainly uses the club's activities as opportunites to brush up his photography portfolio. Because if you're trying take pictures of ghosts, you might as well spice up the composition in the process. Couldn't you try to fit the color palette a bit?
Interests: Analog Photography, the beach, journaling
Age: 46
Joseph is Gina's single father. Not to mention a professional journalist for a local news network. He often works late into the dead of night. Which is great for him, because he's definitely not a morning person. ...We'll be waiting for you...
Interests: Instant noodles, opinion pieces, and stationary
Age: ???
More to be added
Interests: ???